Friday, September 2, 2011

The stuff you dont wanna hear: The Psyche of Western Civilization Culture

For some reason Ive been hearing over and over again that one Im radical and two that Im "different." At first I was upset by these remarks but the more I thought about it the more I stick my chest out even to this day. I did alot of observing this summer (more then I usually do) and more and more Im starting to realize the sad truth; most of us as Americans are psychologically trapped. Were trapped in a place where by design we dont think for ourselves we just follow and emulate what we see. And on the forefront of this machine are our main forms of entertainment; music and television. With alot of us having a household of only one parent (if that many), were left alone to find our own way. Just think about it, how many of us grew up sitting in front of the television watching Sesame street and Reading Rainbow? In this situation, we were left to find someone to follow, almost setting a blueprint to the rest of our lives. Obvously shows like Sesame Street taught us the simple things like words and numbers, but as we got older we needed more answers. In our teenage years people like Jay-Z and 50cent became almost big brothers to us through the TV. I seen my friends model thierselves after them, walking thier walk, talking thier slang, almost becoming them in a sense. We see thier success and the people who envy to be them and we take them as a blueprint to growing up to be successful. This is one of the major reasons I fear for our next generation, with many of them growing up without a father figure or any good example that will teach them to think for themselves were gonna see alot of people wanting to be like the likes of Souja Boy and Kim Kardashian...imagine that! The truth about this whole machine is that we are the drivers of this culture box we call America where fads and stars come and go but the fans will always be there looking for an example they can relate to.

Just think about this: we work day in and day out to the bone in the night hours slavin'! Most of us at my age arent in our careers yet so we not makin no more then $15 an hour at some job we most likely dont like. We work 40+ hour weeks dealing with angry bosses, testy customers and even some annoying co workers. Year in and year out you work, working dreaming of a better life. You get your paycheck every few weeks or so and what do you do with it? You go buy the newest $150 Jordans, the $300 purses, the $400 cellphones, even the $50 shirt that you might wear once. You spend a whole paycheck or months paying off credit card debts because of what? All to impress each other, meaning your boys, your family, or more then anyone else the opposite sex. We do all this to either cover up our own insecurities about ourselves or to try to stand out among the everyone else. So we work day in and day out to the bone on 8 hour shifts to buy stuff from people who not only know nothing about our lives and our struggles but dont care about nothing else but how much money you have. Our willingness to sell out our own inner self so we can fit in with the rest of the world is not only sad, but its unbelivable that its gone on for this long. And people dont understand why people are so depressed and afraid to open up to the outside world, people are tired of being judged because they dont have the newest Jordans.

This note wont change anything. People will continue to spend all thier hard earned money on stuff they dont really need only making the rich richer in the process but its at least my job to help you understand what your doing in the process. I know people hate reading so if you do anything check out this video an old  friend showed me a while back that I found VERY interesting. Remember, Im not here to make you hate the new proda bags or those $400 phones we all love to buy Im just here to make you think.

**Just be yourself!! if people dont like you for who you are then your in the wrong group, dont waste your entire life being miserable and being something your not!!

Heres the link:

Its the falling in Love.... Part 2

Theres a battle that has been going on way before any of us were even born, and to this day its all around us, a mental tug of war that to be honest will never be won. The moment you were born and they said boy or girl is when you chose sides (with some exceptions), many of us being culurally raised to fight mentally or sometimes physically against the opposite sex. This would be the battle of the sexes, yes many men are wondering why Im about to do this to myself but its my job to talk about the things that nobody wants to talk about. 

In this tug of war we play, there are alot of mind games involved. There are alot of arguments, and hearts being broken some broken to never be fixed. In my observation Im seeing that there is alot of bridge building going on, meaning people are not cleaning the skeletons out of thier closets. There are some people who are still mad about things that happened years ago and to this day they are taking it out on thier partner, or even worse a whole other person they are dating at the time. The day we understand and learn why we must let things go is gonna be a huge step for all of us. Nobody can ever have a healthy relationship when their carrying baggage into it from the start, that is unfair to the person your with and even more very troubling for yourself. The problem is pride, nobody wants to look weak in front of a woman or vise versa because we always feel like were gonna get taken advatage of, its a giant circle of broken hearts, broken trust, and misunderstanding.

Just like humanity in general, I believe until somebody is willing to put thier pride away and show some compassion trying to right the wrongs we have done we will never break this circle. Nobody wants to show emotion anymore, were all so mute and believe we must keep our armor clean. Showing emotion and being wanted is part of being human, so in not doing these things were not being human! Everybody wants to be excepted, if you say you dont youve just been hurt so many times that youve locked yourself away not letting anyone in, and thats how you end up alone and depressed. 

Love is just a place where these issues are the most obvious, people dont understand why people are committing suicide and going around killing people like animals. America's culture which is a "me first" independent mindset has us all pulling a "every man/woman for themselves" mentality everytime any kind of pain is brought upon us. Alot of us are alone, but what makes it worse is our pride has broken in and wont allow us to admit this. 

My question is when there comes a time where were all gonna need each other (and there will be) how are we gonna respond? Are we gonna let our pride get in the way and not do anything? As the days go by and I hear people giving up on other people this seems to be the inevitable answer for us. 

Its the falling in Love.... Part 1

Its spring, wouldnt know that from the weather but its that time of year we all love. The tempature starts rising back up and everyone is starting to come out of hiding. That time of year where you just wanna chill outside for just a little bit longer just to see if you see some new beautiful faces walking around the corner on campus. Of course with spring comes breaking and building of relationships left and right, everyone is working out getting ready for the summer when the "games" begin. Dont act like you dont know what Im talking about we all at one point were the victim or heartless lover who took an axe to someones heart.

Talking to some people and even just over the years Im starting to see that people are afraid to fall in love anymore. Weve all fallen into a cycle where we dont give people our "whole heart" and at that we pull on several strings at a time just to play it safe. Thanks to popular culture, lust has become the new love in America, in a country where the divorce rate is sitting at a coin flipping 50%. Everyone getting married is looking for that "hollywood romance" relationship where at the end everything is just perfect and romantic. The day men and women wake up and realize it will never be like that will be the day we save some serious time, hollywood has put it in our minds that a perfect marriage has a happy ending.

On the dating side of things, its not that nobody wants to be faithful, its just that everyone is afriad to, a domino effect has started and everyone is just falling in line with it pressing the safe button keeping thier options "open." And those poor ladies and gentlemen who do fall in love and give thier heart to someone (the ones who didnt get the "options open memo) end up getting drop like a sack of potatoes. Some of these people will be resilient and get back up and try again, while most of the other will fall in line and follow the cowardly method we have going on right now. 

For those people who have actually been in this place we call love its something you will always remember. Its a world where your mind has no say over anything, your heart and whoever your with runs the show. You can go ahead and say it, your love drunk, stupid, whatever your friends who dont understand call it. But its like having a massage for the first time; it felt like heaven, every once in a while it creeps back up on you again to make you smile, and you always want more. I dare someone to say love is stupid or it isnt real, those people either have never been in love, or just have been hurt so many times that they refuse to let anyone in anymore. 

I just got one question for you, when your 50+ years old alone with your pet cause you didnt wanna risk giving your heart to someone, whos fault is it then?
